Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What's Your Self Worth

I have a lot of things I am thinking about right now...but the one I am wanting to get out of my head is dealing with self worth.
Christian or not, we are all created in God's image. If you take a second and really think about this fact it is almost unbelievable. Almost. Except it is in the Bible. There are a number of place where the Bible talks about how much God loves us and knows us...really knows us. He knows the number of hairs on our heads. Not one sparrow falls to the ground without God knowing...and yet we are all way more valuable to Him than any bird.
Where does your self worth come from? Too many people look to things of this earth...a boyfriend/girlfriend, good job, nice house/cars or the love of a husband/wife. None of these things are bad of themselves. But, if we let them gain too much value in our lives...that's when we get in trouble.
Our value should only be found in God's love for us. You are so important to the Creator of EVERYTHING that He sent His One and Only Son to die on a cross to pay the price for your sin. Check out John 3:16 if you don't believe me. This type of validation can only come from God alone. If you are looking any place else for your self worth...you will always be searching.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Afraid to Share "Real Life"

It seems to me that so many Christians are afraid to share the "real life" stuff that is going on in their lives because they are afraid of being judged by the very people (other Christians) that demand forgiveness when they screw-up. Too many times Christians feel they need to handle their problems (marriage, children, money or whatever) within the walls for their home, hoping that nobody finds out. I am pretty sure this wasn't what God had in mind for His church.
Maybe it is unreal expectations. Too often we "hear of" families breaking apart after years of turmoil only after they have separated or filed for divorce. Or we find out that a child has been abused only after something horrible happens. Why is that? I feel sometimes it is because of unreal expectations that the church unintentionally places on it's people. The church should be a hospital for hurting people not a country club of elite members.
I just spoke with someone that has been attending church for years, teaching classes AND struggling with their marriage. But, nobody but me knows about the marriage issues right now. Not even the person that they have shared teaching duties with for years. They are struggling even to save their marriage. I don't understand why this goes on in God's family. Unfortunately, this happens far more often than I would like to say. We only hear about problems after it is too late.
I would encourage everyone to find a small group of strong believers to share life with. Seek out others to share life experience with. If you are struggling, seek Godly help, seek Godly advice and seek Godly wisdom. It is a scary thing to let others see that you aren't perfect and letting them see you with your guard down, but I guarantee you that others are struggling with (or have struggled with) the same thing and want help (or want to help others). You don't need to be alone. You don't need to be afraid to share YOUR "real life".

Saturday, January 7, 2012

We Teach Children Not Curriculum

I spent most of the day at a Children's Ministry conference in northern Richmond. There were several good take-away's, but one phrase really stood out. As we were sitting in class discussing ways to disciple new Christian children, the leader of the break-out session said, "and always remember that we are teaching children...not curriculum." I had thought that so many times, but never put it into words like that. I loved it!
Ministry is very relational. Children's ministry is even more so...I believe. As teachers, of adults or children, we must see our students as the people they are. We must get to know them and what they like and don't like. We must look at them as people...because they are. As teachers, know the condition of the students in your class. What they're dealing with in everyday life. Get to know what THEIR needs are and be sensitive to the "stuff" in their life.
Way too often teachers are more concerned with the "lesson" scheduled for that week and not even "see" that hurting little girl sitting by herself.  I believe teachers need be prepared every week with dynamic and relevant Bible lesson...but they should also be prepared every week to not use that same lesson they worked so hard to prepare. We have hurting kids all around us everyday and we should be sensitive to the needs of the kids looking to us for guidance.
This Sunday morning (or Wednesday evening) look around at your "students", determine their "needs" and guide them where you can...and if you can fit your well planned lesson into that...even better! :o)

Friday, January 6, 2012

My First Blog Entry Ever...

Many times I lay awake at night tossing and turning because my mind won't shut down. Now I am able to write these thoughts down and share them with the world. Some things I think about might be deep and some will be just plain dumb. But, that's who I am.

I am a Children's Pastor in Virginia. I like the Indianapolis Colts, Highland Games and playing basketball and softball. I was married to Lori in 1992. We have a son, Christian, which was born in 1995 who is planning to attend Liberty University in the Fall of 2012.

That is about all for my introduction. More profound thoughts to come!