Saturday, January 7, 2012

We Teach Children Not Curriculum

I spent most of the day at a Children's Ministry conference in northern Richmond. There were several good take-away's, but one phrase really stood out. As we were sitting in class discussing ways to disciple new Christian children, the leader of the break-out session said, "and always remember that we are teaching children...not curriculum." I had thought that so many times, but never put it into words like that. I loved it!
Ministry is very relational. Children's ministry is even more so...I believe. As teachers, of adults or children, we must see our students as the people they are. We must get to know them and what they like and don't like. We must look at them as people...because they are. As teachers, know the condition of the students in your class. What they're dealing with in everyday life. Get to know what THEIR needs are and be sensitive to the "stuff" in their life.
Way too often teachers are more concerned with the "lesson" scheduled for that week and not even "see" that hurting little girl sitting by herself.  I believe teachers need be prepared every week with dynamic and relevant Bible lesson...but they should also be prepared every week to not use that same lesson they worked so hard to prepare. We have hurting kids all around us everyday and we should be sensitive to the needs of the kids looking to us for guidance.
This Sunday morning (or Wednesday evening) look around at your "students", determine their "needs" and guide them where you can...and if you can fit your well planned lesson into that...even better! :o)

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